
Güngör Law Office

Gungor Law Office is pleased to offer the opportunity to accomplish the potential of lawyers who have a successful academic background, can think creatively within the boundaries drawn by law, follow the recent developments in the world and law, have proficiency in at least one foreign language, and are team players.

Lawyers with such qualifications who would like to join our office can always send their CV.

For law faculty graduates who would like to accomplish their legal internship period within our office, the application deadline is 1st of February.

For law faculty students who would like to participate in summer internships within our office, the application deadline is 1st of March. 

Every application is valuable to us and kept in our candidate pool in line with your explicit consent.

Please click for Personal Data Protection Notice.

    CV* (.pdf, .doc, .docx):

    Motivation Letter(optional)(.pdf, .doc, .docx):